Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas in Huntsville

This week, we were in Huntsville, Alabama. I love this town! Not only is there an abundant supply of rich history, but the people are sweet as well. Because Huntsville plays a predominant role in my novel, I decided to feature it here on my blog.

Huntsville is fortunate in that it has one of the largest concentrations of antebellum structures in the South. This is because it was occupied by the Union army early on in the war, and was spared from being destroyed.

The first photograph is of the Morgan-Neal House, built c. 1823. It is the birthplace of John Hunt Morgan, a famous Confederate raider. The second picture is of the Thomas Fearn House, c. 1820. Dr. Fearn was a prominent Huntsville resident. Photo #3 is graffiti that either Union or Confederate soldiers drew on the inside walls of the Huntsville Train Depot. In 1862, the town was invaded by Yankees, who kept Confederate soldiers prisoner upstairs for 10 days until they were shipped to Union prison camps. Picture #4 is a train at the depot, all decked out for Christmas, and Photo #5 is the depot itself, which is one of the oldest remaining train depots in the country.

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