Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Banned Books Week

This week, schools and libraries across the nation will take part in "Banned Books Read-out." Everyone is asked to participate by acknowledging your favorite banned books, what it means to observe and uphold the First Amendment, and how banned books have impacted our lives. As an author, I can appreciate the importance of this event.

Many famous books have been banned in the past. Some examples are "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," "Black Beauty," and the Harry Potter books. The list is immense, and some books have been banned for obscure reasons.

Book censorship has been a problem since the beginning. The Bible and the Quran have also been banned at some point. Any book deemed too radical or politically incorrect is at risk of being banned. Although viewpoints have changed over the course of history, it is still unacceptable, in this author's opinion, to ban the written word simply because certain groups don't agree. Voice your opinion, and read a banned book this week!

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