Monday, August 23, 2010

Confederate Flag on License Plates

In 1998, an appellate court in North Caroline upheld a decision that license plates displaying the Sons of Confederate Veterans logo, which consists of the Southern Cross, may be issued. In "Sons of Confederate vs. DMV", the court noted,"We are aware of the sensitivity of many of our citizens to the display of the Confederate flag. Whether the display of the Confederate flag on state-issued license plates represents sound public policy is not an issue presented to this Court in this case. That is an issue for our General Assembly."

Vehicle owners in Alabama, Louisiana, Maryland, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia may request state-issued license plates featuring the SCV logo. However, a local member was fired from his job in Memphis recently for displaying said logo on his vehicle. He is in the process of litigation, and the first court decision has been appealed. I will keep you posted on any further developments.

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